Women Empowerment

Women Empowerment

I want every girl to know that her voice can change the world

Malala Yousafazi, Nobel Laureate

When we educate a man, we educate an individual; when we educate a woman, we educate an entire family. Therefore, education, employability and empowerment for Women is our focus.

Tiljola, primarily a densely populated slum area in Kolkata where we are working with 300 women. They are now engaged in….

Arise Education, another flagship project of our NGO, where he have helped 478 girls to become employable and now they are in government / corporate jobs.

Sundarbans, Darir Jungle: we have provided 50 goats to women folks there, taught them how to nurture, feed and raise these animals so that in a period of 11 months they will have the multiplier effect and also have more number of goats. This is a source of income and employment.

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