About Birati Globe Vision Society

Education, Education only Education is the foundation of our life, but in reality, there are many places in India, where education still is a luxury for those people. So, we are running four free/subsidized English medium schools in four districts of West Bengal. Our vision is to help those people to build the foundation of their children through education. In this way those children will be able to uplift the next generation. We started with six children and now we are able to take care of 697 children from this background. We started our journey through a rough surface, but it gradually got smoother. Till date people are able to understand the importance of our work so, 697 families already join with our mission. We know that it is a small number, but it is our goal to associate 5000 children in this mission.

Apart from taking the responsibilities of their children we are scaling up the efficiency through skill building workshops to those guardians to develop their economic condition. First, we analyse the resources they have, then we train them through several workshops by the experts from individual sections. Secondly, we constantly monitor their work till they complete the circle of their work like training to merchandise their products.

Child Development



Core Team


Respected Mentors, Well-wishers and my Co-social workers

It is my observation from life that only compassion is not enough, we need to act.

Therefore, we are on the field, talking to people, trying to understand their pains, issues / challenges, chalking out plans to deal with the problems and coming out with effective and sustainable solutions.

We are with them from those days with tears and travelling along to see the same people with smile and pride. Yes, this was possible during 2020-21 due to enormous support of our Mentors.

We have not seen God, Allah; but we can feel that there is almighty. We are privileged, blessed and fortunate when we are guided by mentors such as Shri Anup Gupta, Shri Ramesh Kacholia, Shri Somenath Sengupta, Prof. Prasanta Ghosh, Shri Vinayaka Lohani, Md. Mamoon Akhtar, Shri Satyajit Deb, Prof. Ashoke Banerjee and so on. These are the source of our inspiration. These people inspire our core team to dedicate our life to work as a Social Worker and shape life of people around us.

2020-21, would be in the history book for ever due to the Global tragedy of pandemic which brought in huge negative consequences in human life; in all spheres, education, employment, health – growth; in every field.

We have engaged ourselves is various activities during the year; a glimpse of which is given separately in this Annual Report with images. These images inspire us and influence people with good intentions to come forward. We solicit your free and frank views / suggestions to improve our operations, functioning.

Thanks, and Regards,
Gopinath Paul (Chandan)
Secretary, Birati Globe Vision Society


Take risks in your life,
If you Win, you can Lead.
If you lose, you can guide.”
Swami Vivekananda

Respected Mentors, Well-wishers and my Co-social workers.

All these years in the field of Social Service, it is my observation that we need a vision. That Vision must have a purpose for the social impact in a positive way.

The role of treasurer is not just to keep record of our income-expenditure or make a balance sheet for the society, but to make every penny worthy.

One thing we must understand in social work that fund utilization is art which helps you to achieve your goals. An NGO should understand the genre of work they are working. If one organization has sufficient funds, then it must be utilized in the same genre of work where they are working. Diversification in genre leads to failure or has less impact in society.

I am pretty-much sure that the way our society is evolving, it will take the responsibility of more than 5000 students in the next 3-4 years.

I am grateful to have mentors like Chandan Da, Anup Sir, Somnath Sir, Ashoke Sir, Satyajit Sir, Vinayak da, Mammon Da and many others, who’s advice, work, blessing are always motivating me to push myself more and more every day. They are not only navigating me to run in the right track but also help me to show the right track. I sincerely acknowledge their constant support and guidance.

We have engaged ourselves is various activities during the year; a glimpse of which is given separately in this Annual Report with images. These images inspire us and influence people with good intentions to come forward. We solicit your free and frank views / suggestions to improve our operations, functioning.

Thanks, and Regards,
Arka Mukherjee
Treasurer, Birati Globe Vision Society

Working Committee: Field Supervisor

Respected Mentors, Well-wishers and my Co-social workers.
For the last five years I have gained some experience from being involved in social services and related field works and it has given me the opportunity to be close to needy and afflicted people in of our society. Since then, the idea of ​​some sustainable development was initiated for them and later on I could make this idea come true by joining with Birati Globe Vision Society and its ideas.

The biggest problem of today’s society is the real education of children. On that context, the way BGVS has worked so far and the future plans are unparalleled and I believe it will be highly effective for our society.
To make the dream worthwhile our next plan is to set up Knowledge Village that will provide sustainable model of education with traditional and modern way from the basic primary education to till the students became self-sufficient.
I feel very fortunate to get mentor cum colleague like Chandan Paul & Arka Mukherjee. I am privileged, blessed and fortunate when we are guided by mentors such as Shri Anup Gupta Sir, Shri Satyajit Deb, Prof. Ashoke Banerjee, Shri Somenath Sengupta, Prof. Prasanta Ghosh, Shri Vinayaka Lohani Da, Md. Mamoon Akhtar Da, and so on, who’s advice, work, blessing are always motivating me to push myself more and more every day. I sincerely concede their constant support and guidance.

We are now imparting proper education to children as well as to parents through the Parenting Orientation Programme starting from our own Schools i.e. Knowledge Prabhat, MSVR Mission Academy, Dwarir Jangal and Gangatikuri Guardians, that will help to teach all the Parents to provide a proper environment for the growth of their children, we are very optimistic with the impactful outcome of successful Parenting Orientation along with child education.
We have engaged ourselves is various activities during the year; a glimpse of which is given separately in this Annual Report with images. These images inspire us and influence people with good intentions to come forward. We solicit your free and frank views / suggestions to improve our operations, functioning.

Debanjan Brahmachari,

Vice President, Working Committee
Birati Globe Vision Society

Massage from Innovation Desk: Special Field Manager

We dream of a world where rural communities are bursting with opportunity and built on a foundation of sustainability. We see ourselves playing a key role in this transformation by giving students the skills they need to thrive in the modern world, particularly in science, technology, and innovation. Our goal is to break down the barriers to technology access and provide top-notch education, hands-on learning, and clear career paths that set these students up for success.
But it doesn’t stop with the kids. We’re also dedicated to supporting their families by helping parents find sustainable jobs and championing women’s health and hygiene. By tackling these interconnected issues, we believe we can build strong, independent communities where education, health, and innovation go hand-in-hand, leading to a brighter and more sustainable future for everyone.

Aparajeeta Guha
Special Program Manager

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